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Remote Learning

Remote learning plan for Wilbury Junior School

14-day school closure of a bubble if a confirmed case

Dear Parent/Carers,

I would like to share with you our plans for a 14-day year group closure, if or when this may happen. I wanted to share this with you now, to show you what we will be doing and how you access the work. I would like to thank everyone who returned their paper based questionnaire, I had over 200 responses and this has really helped us to be able to support you in case another closure happens. We ideally would like no year group closures, however we have heard that several have happened in Hertfordshire already and have planned in case we find ourselves in this position. We are also telling you in advance so you can ask any questions and be ready should this happen. 

This has been our process.

  • Gain feedback from parents regarding the online learning that took place over the school closure- do this in paper form so that all have access. The main feedback is that we have a small minority of children in each year group without internet access so these children need to have access to learning. Some parents had limited resources to support with several children needing devices, many parents felt that there was too much of a need for a printer and concerns regarding the cost of this.  Some parents felt they did not have the skills to support. Some parents wanted some online lessons and more feedback on the work done. We did receive some really positive feedback about what we did offer over the summer closures.  With all this in mind we will be offering the following.
  • All children will have a pack of work to take home, one maths workbook, one English workbook, and exercise book and 2 reading books - all in a folder with a pencil. The packs will be ready to go home with the bubble if we are closing the bubble during the day or to pick up from school if a bubble is closed overnight.  If the family are self-isolating, we may be able to deliver the packs to a home address (this depends on staffing we have at school).






  • Each day a video message and daily tasks for the year group will go up on the website. There will also be additional tasks to do, which could be on a variety of lessons. Or children may be directed to use ‘Oak Academy’ online lessons - where you can pause the teaching videos and do the work in the exercise book. (An exercise book will be given out for this).
  • These packs will need to come back to school when the children return, to be marked. The work will go in a box once returned for 1 week and then marked and feedback given. The workbook based work is compulsory and will support your child’s progress.
  • Staff will email you at least once per week. Those parents who have told us they do not have internet access, on the questionnaire, will be called by the Headteacher using the school mobile phone to check all is OK, that work is being completed and offer any extra support needed. You can also email the teacher if you need more guidance.
  • Children are able to contact teachers using Purple Mash. This will also be used at times for additional tasks and direct feedback on work can be given.
  • Headteacher will do a daily vlog for year group bubbles with what is happening in school and a general message.
  • As we are operating year group bubbles with the same staff, those staff will also be out of school for 14 days and will be working from home.
  • You will be given a letter or emailed a letter telling you when your child can return and what to do if your child displays symptoms.

I hope you find this letter helpful and informative. Any questions please do email me on


Many thanks

Chelsea Atkins

Head teacher





