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Year 3

Year 3

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Whole School Unit - The Fate of Fausto


The Bear and the Piano 


Paper Bag Princess 


Poet Study – AA Milne 


Walk with a Wolf 


Mini Rabbit Not Lost 


Christmas Classic – Polar Express

Recount – The True Story of the Three Little Pigs  


Poetry genre – Tanka and Haiku 


Walk with a Wolf 


Whole School writing unit 


Poet Study – AA Milne 


Stella and the Seagull - persuasion – HfL 

Finger Eater - Narrative 


Poetry genre focus – Performance – The Magic Box  


Literacy Shed film stimulus unit – suggestions - The Little Shoemaker


Traction Man 


Where the Wild things are 


Love that Book - Narrative modern classic– Roald Dahl


Poetry theme - Rhymed Verse 

Guided Reading

The Smartest Giant in Town


Meerkat Mail 


Poetry 1 week


Complete comprehension

Diary of a killer cat




Complete comprehension

The worst witch 


Poetry 1 week


Complete comprehension

Roman Tales the Goose Guards


Poetry 1 week


Complete comprehension



Autumn 1 - Small group intervention

Autumn 2 - Small group intervention

Spring 1 and 2 - Small group intervention

Summer 1 and 2 - Small group intervention


Power Maths Textbook 3A

Unit 1 - Place Value within 1,000

Unit 2 - Addition and Subtraction 1

Unit 3 - Addition and Subtraction 2

Unit 4 - Multiplication and Division 1

Unit 5 - Multiplication and Division 2

Power Maths Textbook 3B

Unit 6 - Multiplication and Division 3

Unit 7 - Length and Perimeter

Unit 8 - Fractions 1

Unit 9 - Mass

Unit 10 - Capacity

Power Maths Textbook 3C

Unit 11 - Fractions 2

Unit 12 - Money

Unit 13 - Time

Unit 14 - Angles and properties of shapes

Unit 15 - Statistics


Animal nutrition and skeletal system. 

This project teaches children about the importance of nutrition for humans and other animals. They learn about the role of a skeleton and muscles and identify animals with different types of skeleton.




Part of the Geography topic of Rocks, relics and rumbles

This project teaches children how to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. How to describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.





Forces and Magnets


This project teaches children about contact and non-contact forces, including friction and magnetism. They investigate frictional and magnetic forces, and identify parts of a magnet and magnetic materials.

Light and shadows


This project teaches children about light and dark. They investigate the phenomena of reflections and shadows, looking for patterns in collected data. The risks associated with the Sun are also explored.



Plant Nutrition and Reproduction

This project teaches children about the requirements of plants for growth and survival. They describe the parts of flowering plants and relate structure to function, including the roots and stem for transporting water, leaves for making food and the flower for reproduction.

RE:Islam & Christianity

Hinduism- Ganesh Chaturhi and Guru Nanak Gurpurab 

Hindus celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesh during Ganesh Chaturthi. They pray to Ganesh to remove obstacles when starting something new and mention his name first when they perform puja to make sure nothing will get in the way of their worship and prayer.


Christianity - Lent 


Lent is a time for Christians to fast, think about God, say sorry for the things they have done that they regret, pray and learn more about the life of Jesus.

Buddhism - Vesak 


Vesak is an important Buddhist festival, which commemorates the birth, enlightenment and sometimes death of Prince Siddhartha, who became known as Buddha.

Judaism - Shavuot 



Being me in my world

Celebrating differences (including anti-bullying)

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me (including sex education)


Through the Ages - Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about British prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, including changes to people and lifestyle caused by ingenuity, invention and technological advancement.


Emperors and Empires - Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain.


One Planet, our world - Curriculum Maestro - Geography week


This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children to locate countries and cities, and use grid references, compass points and latitude and longitude. They learn about the layers of the Earth and plate tectonics and discover the five major climate zones. They learn about significant places in the United Kingdom and carry out fieldwork to discover how land is used in the locality.

Rocks Relics and Rumbles - Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of Earth's layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity.



Contrast and Complement

(Art Week)


Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.


Prehistoric pots 

3D Art


This project teaches children about Bell Beaker pottery. It allows the children to explore different clay techniques, which they use to make and decorate a Bell Beaker-style pot.


Ammonite Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about artistic techniques used in sketching, printmaking and sculpture.

Beautiful botanicals



This project teaches children about the genre of botanical art. They create natural weavings, two-colour prints and beautiful and detailed botanical paintings of fruit.




Cook Well, Eat Well Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about food groups and the Eatwell guide. They learn about methods of cooking and explore these by cooking potatoes and ratatouille. The children choose and make a taco filling according to specific design criteria.

Making it Move

Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about cam mechanisms. They experiment with different shaped cams before designing, making and evaluating a child's automaton toy.



Curriculum Maestro


This project teaches children about the purpose, structure and design features of greenhouses, and compares the work of two significant greenhouse designers. They learn techniques to strengthen structures and use tools safely. They use their learning to design and construct a mini greenhouse.




Djembe drumming: 


Untuned percussion


Developing an understanding of accuracy, fluency,

control and expression

Let Your Spirit Fly:


Rhythm and Blues, multi-vocal lines,

Djembe drum skills.


Little Donkey Christmas song

Three Little Birds:


Reggae performance, music appraisal, singing solo or as a group, Djembe drum skills.

The Dragon Song:


Cross-curricular links to PSHE.


Musical appraisal, singing skills, Djembe drum skills.

Bringing Us Together:


Cross-curricular links to PSHE.


Musical appraisal, singing, djembe drum skills and improvisation.

Reflect, Rewind and Replay:


Music appraisal, improvisation using voices and instruments.





Ball skills







Outdoor adventurous activities










First lessons: Logging onto chrome books, google drive and ttrs

Unit 1 Connecting computers: 


To explain how digital devices function


To identify input and output devices


To recognise how digital devices can change the way that we work


To explain how a computer network can be used to share information


To explore how digital devices can be connected


To recognise the physical components of a network

Unit 2 

Stop frame animation


To explain that animation is a sequence of drawings or photographs


To relate animated movement with a sequence of images


To plan an animation


To identify the need to work consistently and carefully


To review and improve an animation


To evaluate the impact of adding other media to an animation

Unit 3

Sequencing sounds


To explore a new programming environment


To identify that commands have an outcome


To explain that a program has a start


To recognise that a sequence of commands can have an order


To change the appearance of my project


To create a project from a task description


Unit 4

Branching data bases


To create questions with yes/no answers


To identify the attributes needed to collect data about an object


To create a branching database


To explain why it is helpful for a database to be well structured


To plan the structure of a branching database


To independently create an identification tool

Unit 5 

Desktop Publishing


To recognise how text and images convey information


To recognise that text and layout can be edited


To choose appropriate page settings


To recognise that text and layout can be edited

To choose appropriate page settings


To add content to a desktop publishing publication


To consider the benefits of desktop publishing

Unit 6 

Events and actions in programmes


To explain how a sprite moves in an existing project


To create a program to move a sprite in four directions


To adapt a program to a new context


To develop my program by adding features


To identify and fix bugs in a program


To design and create a maze-based challenge

French (MFL)

I’m Learning French (E) - 


Days of the week (C)

Salutations (E)


Colours and Numbers (E)

Animals (E)

Enhanced Curriculum - visits, extra curricula...


Church visit - Christingle - 


Christmas film/panto

Vicar Visit - Role of a vicar


Art gallery/library trip

Verulamium trip

