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Year 3

Welcome back Year 3. We are looking forward to a great Summer Term filled with many events like Swimming, Sports Day and our trip to St Albans’ Museum.


Throughout our curriculum, we will be continuing our development of a Growth Mindset, where we ask that you have a positive attitude towards everything that you do and that you try your best. This will enable you to approach all aspects of life with resilience, respect and tolerance.


Our History topic this term is ‘Emperors and Empires’. This unit teaches children about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain. In English, we will initially be looking at the story of, ‘Arthur and The Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd-Stanton.


Please practise your times tables as much as possible at home and in school. You are expected to know all your tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. Maths lessons will be taught from our Power Maths scheme. Over the term, we will cover lots of new Maths topics as well as add to the skills we already have and develop them even further! To start our new unit, we will be looking at capacity then fractions.


The homework expectations remain the same. Children will have weekly spellings, which will be tested on a Friday. You will need to read at home at least three times a week and your planner will need to be signed by an adult. You should be using Times Tables Rock Stars regularly in order to have at around 1,000 coins by the end of the week as well as to help prepare for the Multiplication Tables Check.


The school PE kit is a red school jumper, white polo shirt, black shorts or black jogging bottoms with trainers (stud earring should be taped or removed). This term we will be focusing on Athletics, Cricket and Swimming.


Your PE days are:

Ruby – Monday and Friday

Scarlet – Thursday and Friday

Crimson - Monday and Tuesday


Please do contact us if you have any questions.

Mr Miller, Ms Chalmers and Miss Young

Year 3 Teachers

Crimson Timetable

Ruby Timetable Summer

Scarlet Summer 1 Timetable
