Our Science curriculum meets the requirements of the national curriculum and has been further developed in school to meet the needs of our children. Our curriculum is designed using Curriculum Maestro - for further information see on main curriculum page.
Teachers promote enjoyment and foster interest of the scientific disciplines; Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Children are given the opportunity to carry out an investigation where they can explore, question, predict, plan, and observe as well as conclude their findings. In order to support children in their ability to ‘know more and remember more’ there are regular opportunities to review the learning taken place in previous topics as well as previous lessons, developing pupils' ability to store facts and skills in their long term memory. Children are given a knowledge organiser at the start of each topic which details some key science curriculum statement information and vocabulary.
‘Working Scientifically’ skills are embedded into lessons to ensure these skills are being developed throughout the children’s school career, and new vocabulary and challenging concepts are introduced through direct teaching.
Teachers find opportunities to develop children’s understanding of their surroundings by accessing outdoor learning and expert visitors. Links with Secondary schools allow pupils hands-on experience with equipment not available in the Primary setting. Through using a range of assessment tools, differentiation is facilitated by teachers, to ensure that each pupil can access the Science curriculum.
At Wilbury we aim to have pupils who are confident and able to talk about what they have learnt in science using subject specific vocabulary. We want our children to enjoy science and are able to recall their learning over time. Children's work should demonstrate that science is taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities for children of all abilities to engage; that what they produce is of good quality and demonstrates pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence.