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Year 6

Welcome back Year 6, we hope you have had a fantastic Easter break and that you are excited about returning to school. 


Our topic focuses for the Summer term are going to be Britain at War (History),  Electricity and Light (Science), Pax (Guided Reading), Statistics and Geometry (Maths), Kumbh Mela (RE) and many more exciting topics in English, French and PE. One of our key focuses will be revision in the lead up to SAT's week (week beginning 13th May) and ensuring the children have all the preparation required to be successful. 


Throughout our curriculum this term, we will be continuing our development of a Growth Mindset to enable us to approach all aspects of life with resilience, respect and tolerance. Our PSHE focus for this term will be on 'Relationships' and 'Changing Me' as children prepare themselves for transitioning up to secondary school at the end of the term and the changes that come along with this step up to a new school.


The homework expectations remain the same as last term. You will have weekly spellings, which will be tested on a Friday. In your spelling book, you will need to practise your spellings to ensure you have learnt them in preparation for the weekly test. You will need to read at home at least three times a week and your planner will need to be signed by an adult. You should be using Times Tables Rock Stars regularly (1000 coins minimum) and completing SATs bootcamp weekly. Remember to check Google Classroom for which SATs bootcamp topics you should be completing.


During the Summer term we will also be having a French Day and an Art/DT week.

Our PE topics are Athletics and Rounders (Summer 1) and Cricket and Golf (Summer 2).

At the end of the Summer 1 term, we will also have a week of swimming and we will also have the Year 6 residential at the end of the Summer 1 term also.


Your PE days are:

6 Gold (Mrs Arends) – Monday and Thursday

6 Ochre (Ms Hastings) – Tuesday and Friday

6 Amber (Mr March) - Monday and Tuesday


We look forward to seeing you all back,

Mrs Arends, Ms Hastings and Mr March

Class timetables

Please find below a link to the year 6 curriculum for 2023/24.
