WISPA Newsletter
Wilbury and Icknield Schools Parents Association (WISPA)
Welcome to the new school year. We have some new (socially distanced) events coming up in October and we would appreciate your support.
Wispa is our PTA which is joined with Icknield Infant School.
Here are a few things we are involved in.
1) Terracycle collection point - Located to the upper floor of Bamboo Turtle (Zero Waste Shop) in the Arcade in Letchworth town centre. Hard to recycle waste can be dropped off at this point and periodically, the waste is sorted and sent to Terracycle and converted to points/monetary rewards. WISPA is a beneficiary of this scheme. Full list of items to collect is attached.
2) www.easyfundraising.org.uk - If you are planning on shopping online, go to this website and choose Wilbury and Icknield Schools Parents Association (WISPA) as your chosen cause. If you shop via the easyfundraising website, then WISPA will receive money into our cause account every time you shop.
3) Seasons Fruit and Veg Conscious Shopper Scheme - Go to https://www.seasonsfruitandveg.co.uk/ and shop for your fruit, veg and store cupboard staples (incl. Bamboo Turtle zero waste items). Enter the code WISPA01 at the checkout and we receive 50p for each home delivery. Letchworth deliveries are made on Mondays and Thursdays. You do not have to be at home for your delivery either!