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  • Mr March - PE Workout Challenge

    Fri 29 Jan 2021

    Well done to the winners of this week's Wilbury's PE workout challenge. They are:

    Year 3 and Year 4  - Eva

    Year 5 and Year 6 - Imogen

    Well done to everyone for taking part.

    For this week's challenge, Mr March would like you to come up with your own 3-minute workout using any range of exercises or activities that you want, making each exercise last for as long as you want or to be completed however many times you want. 
    You need to record yourself talking us through a 3-minute workout (demonstrate the activities and state at the start of the equipment that is needed - a ball for example). This is a great opportunity to show your knowledge of PE and your confidence in front of the camera.
    To add incentive, Mr March will personally complete every activity video that is sent in to see which one makes him work the hardest in those 3 minutes. He will also ask as many staff as possible to join him completing the winning videos.

  • Whole School Cook-Off

    Fri 29 Jan 2021

    The winner of Wilbury's Cook-off are:

    Year 3 - Afiya and Denny

    Year 4 - Aristina and Ben

    Year 5 - Osama and Phoenix 

    Year 6 - Mohammed also Raiden and Pandora


    Well done and thank you to everyone who took part, your meals looked delicious. 

    Whole School Cook-Off This week’s challenge will be a video clip (no longer than 1 minute) showing children preparing a healthy lunch that they have made themselves. Please share this on the Cooking Classroom, children will receive an invite to this on their class page. A winner from each classroom will be selected on Thursday at 5pm- we will announce the winners on Friday at 3pm in the Cooking Classroom. A video explaining this will be available on Monday.
  • WIlbury's Got Talent

    Fri 22 Jan 2021

    The winner of Wilbury's Got Talent are:

    Year 3 - Evie

    Year 4 - Cerys

    Year 5 - Serbroop

    Year 6 - Laila

    Whole School Winner - Betsy and Mum

    Well done and thank you to everyone who part, you were all amazing.

  • Afterschool clubs

    Thu 03 Dec 2020
    We are pleased to announce that Afterschool clubs will resume week commencing 7th December.
  • Maths Week England

    Fri 06 Nov 2020

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, this November we are taking part in a competition for Maths Week England. It’s called Rock Out 2020 and it’s all done online via

    For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). 

    All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 7.30 am Monday 9th November to 7.30 pm, Saturday 14th November.

    Please encourage and support your child to take part. 

    Thanks for your support!

  • Hello Yellow - World Mental Health day

    Thu 01 Oct 2020
    World Mental Health Day - On Friday 5th October, we will be inviting the children to wear something yellow or brightly coloured to school to celebrate World Mental Health. We are wearing yellow/bright colours to show young people they are not alone with their mental health. It is important for us all to know that keeping mentally healthy is just as important as being physically healthy.
  • Remote Learning

    Fri 18 Sep 2020

    Remote learning plan for Wilbury Junior School

    14-day school closure of a bubble if a confirmed case

    Dear Parent/Carers,

    I would like to share with you our plans for a 14-day year group closure, if or when this may happen. I wanted to share this with you now, to show you what we will be doing and how you access the work. I would like to thank everyone who returned their paper based questionnaire, I had over 200 responses and this has really helped us to be able to support you in case another closure happens. We ideally would like no year group closures, however we have heard that several have happened in Hertfordshire already and have planned in case we find ourselves in this position. We are also telling you in advance so you can ask any questions and be ready should this happen. 

    This has been our process.

    • Gain feedback from parents regarding the online learning that took place over the school closure- do this in paper form so that all have access. The main feedback is that we have a small minority of children in each year group without internet access so these children need to have access to learning. Some parents had limited resources to support with several children needing devices, many parents felt that there was too much of a need for a printer and concerns regarding the cost of this.  Some parents felt they did not have the skills to support. Some parents wanted some online lessons and more feedback on the work done. We did receive some really positive feedback about what we did offer over the summer closures.  With all this in mind we will be offering the following.
    • All children will have a pack of work to take home, one maths workbook, one English workbook, and exercise book and 2 reading books - all in a folder with a pencil. The packs will be ready to go home with the bubble if we are closing the bubble during the day or to pick up from school if a bubble is closed overnight.  If the family are self-isolating, we may be able to deliver the packs to a home address (this depends on staffing we have at school).






    • Each day a video message and daily tasks for the year group will go up on the website. There will also be additional tasks to do, which could be on a variety of lessons. Or children may be directed to use ‘Oak Academy’ online lessons - where you can pause the teaching videos and do the work in the exercise book. (An exercise book will be given out for this).
    • These packs will need to come back to school when the children return, to be marked. The work will go in a box once returned for 1 week and then marked and feedback given. The workbook based work is compulsory and will support your child’s progress.
    • Staff will email you at least once per week. Those parents who have told us they do not have internet access, on the questionnaire, will be called by the Headteacher using the school mobile phone to check all is OK, that work is being completed and offer any extra support needed. You can also email the teacher if you need more guidance.
    • Children are able to contact teachers using Purple Mash. This will also be used at times for additional tasks and direct feedback on work can be given.
    • Headteacher will do a daily vlog for year group bubbles with what is happening in school and a general message.
    • As we are operating year group bubbles with the same staff, those staff will also be out of school for 14 days and will be working from home.
    • You will be given a letter or emailed a letter telling you when your child can return and what to do if your child displays symptoms.

    I hope you find this letter helpful and informative. Any questions please do email me on


    Many thanks

    Chelsea Atkins

    Head teacher






  • Autumn term clubs

    Fri 18 Sep 2020
  • School Closure letter

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Dear Parents

    I am writing this letter with a heavy heart as this is something I never thought I would have to do. Wilbury Junior school will be closed on Friday and will only open to those children who are vulnerable or whose parents are critical workers. We will maintain this for as long as staff health allows.

    Currently we do not know how long this closure will be in force. I will endeavor to update you as soon as we have directives from the government.

    Please can I ask that you only use this provision if you have no other alternative. The government sates ‘Every child who can safely be cared for at home should be’ I have a duty of care over the children, staff and the families of staff.  I ask that if you are unable to make arrangements and you fall in this category and require the childcare please let me know by 1:30pm today so that I can make arrangements for the numbers of staff onsite. I also need to know which days you will need as some of you work shifts. Please do this to

    The childcare will be from 8:45-3:15pm. Children will need to bring their own packed lunch. Children will need to have their temperature checked each morning along with staff to ensure they are safe to have onsite.

    I ask that when you are waiting to drop your children off you wait outside and two metres away from other parents. Only the front entrance will be open. Children do not need to wear school uniform.

    If you are currently in receipt of free school meals, I will be working with a local charity or supermarket to give you a voucher to support you whilst the children are off site. I am unsure if this will be emailed to you or sent by post. But as soon as I know I will let you know.

    Please see government document for further guidance

    Many thanks

    Chelsea Atkins

  • Coronavirus - (Covid-19) Latest update

    Tue 17 Mar 2020








    Department for Education






    This is your daily email to keep you updated on the government’s response to COVID-19 (coronavirus).

    New guidance for households with symptoms

    Yesterday, the Government introduced new guidance on whole household isolation in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak:

    • if you live alone and you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms started
    • if you live with others and you or another member of the household have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill. It is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or be infected already. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community
    • for anyone in the household who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation period.

    The symptoms are:

    • A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)
    • A new, continuous cough

    The full stay at home guidance for households with these symptoms can be found here:

    The Prime Minister’s statement from Monday 16 March can be found here:

    Temporary suspension of Ofsted inspections

    Ofsted is to temporarily suspend routine inspections of schools, colleges, early years settings, children’s social care providers and local authorities to reduce the burden on staff who are providing vital services to the nation in response to coronavirus.

    The current medical and scientific advice is for schools and other educational establishments to stay open. If this changes and the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Adviser say closing schools, colleges, and early years settings is in the best interests of children and teachers the Department will take that step.

    The full announcement made by Gavin Williamson can be viewed here:

    Updated guidance on recording school pupil absences

    No school will be penalised for the impact on school attendance of coronavirus (COVID-19). Please record absences as follows:

    • Where a pupil cannot attend school due to illness, as would normally happen, the pupil should be recorded as absent in the attendance register and the school will authorise the absence. Code I (Illness) should be used in this instance.
    • Where a pupil is in self-isolation, in accordance with latest information and advice from Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England, the pupil should be recorded as unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances in the attendance register. Code Y (Unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances) should be used in this instance.
    • Where a pupil does not attend school and is not self-isolating, the pupil will be marked as absent. We back headteachers’ judgement and to be pragmatic – having spoken to parents – on whether to authorise such absence, taking into account individual circumstances. We expect, in particular, headteachers will authorise absence where a pupil is not able to attend because of an underlying health condition that means they, or a family member in their household, are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Handwashing advice

    The most important thing individuals can do to protect themselves is to wash their hands more often, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water. Public Health England recommends that in addition to handwashing before eating, and after coughing and sneezing, everyone should also wash hands after using toilets and travelling on public transport.

    Watch this short NHS film for guidance:

    Department for Education coronavirus helpline

    The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

    Phone: 0800 046 8687
    Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday), 10am to 4pm (Saturday to Sunday)

    Please note, we are currently experiencing high volumes of calls. We appreciate your patience at this time and apologise for any wait that you may experience. To ensure that we answer your calls as quickly as possible, we have now extended our opening hours to cover weekends and are increasing the number of call handlers available to answer your calls.

    If you work in a school, please have your unique reference number (URN or UK PRN) available when calling the hotline.

    Where to find the latest information

    Updates on COVID-19:

    Guidance for educational settings:

    Guidance for social or community care and residential settings:

    Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:

    Educational resources:

    Latest Department for Education information:

